Create a Leaderboard

In this how-to guide, we are going to create a simple score-based leaderboard system for our game where players compete for the highest score. This guide will walk you through implementing Leaderboards in both LootLocker and in-game.

To start, lets navigate to the Leaderboard menu by clicking on Leaderboards in the Game Systems menu.

To create a new Leaderboard, click the Create button in the top right corner. This will display a model where you can enter in the name of the Leaderboard and configure the structure of how the Leaderboard will work.

The following information can be set in this menu, and can also be edited after the Leaderboard has been created.

  • Name: The name of the Leaderboard, used when searching in the Management Console

  • Key: Key is used for retrieving leaderboards instead of using ID

  • Type: Select between Player Leaderboards, where leaderboards are associated with specific players (based on their platform ID) or Generic Leaderboards where you can define what the entries are associated to, such as a guild/clan, group, or player data that isn't stored on LootLocker.

  • Direction Method: Select between Descending or Ascending sorting methods.

  • Settings: Enable Game API Writes allows you to authorize the Game API to submit scores to the Leaderboard. This is not recommended as players have the ability to exploit this and populate your Leaderboards with false information. Overwrite Score on Submit tells the Leaderboard to always replace the player or member's score regardless if the score is worse than the current score.

For our setup, we're going to create a score-based Leaderboard. To do that, we will select Player as the Type and then Descending as the Direction Method. While we usually recommend against it, for this tutorial we will also select Enable Game API writes as we will not be using a game server for our game.

With the Leaderboard configured, click Save to create it.

You have now created your first Leaderboard in LootLocker and are ready to implement it in your game.

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