
The Feedback feature in LootLocker enables you to create and manage reports across three different systems: Players, Content, and the Game itself.

  • Player Feedback: Allows players to report other players, which is useful in multiplayer games for addressing inappropriate behavior or cheating.

  • Content Feedback: Enables players to report user-generated content (UGC), such as custom assets or levels, ensuring content quality and compliance.

  • Game Feedback: Lets players submit reports on the game itself, including bug reports, performance issues, or general quality feedback.

For each of these systems you can configure you can configure feedback categories to streamline report handling. All feedback can be viewed and managed through the LootLocker web console, providing a centralized platform for maintaining game quality and community standards.

Use cases

  • Allowing player to report inappropriate player behavior

  • Allowing player to report other players for cheating

  • Allowing player to report inappropriate user-generated content

  • Allowing player to submit game bug reports

  • Allowing player to provide general game feedback, like suggestions or complaints


Last updated