Stage & Live Environments
LootLocker makes it safe and easy to make individual and bulk changes to the data stored with LootLocker through the development environments system. The two environments are Staging and Live.
LootLocker features a development environment that allows you to make changes safely to your game data, and test changes before they go live in your game. The staging environment (Stage) is where all changes are made and tested. The Live environment is the version of data that your live game points to, and where changes cannot be made directly. To make changes to the Live environment, the changes must be first made in Stage, and then merged into Live.
Switching Between Environments
The currently active Environment is displayed in the Environment Switcher at the bottom of the web console side bar. Clicking on the switcher changes to the other environment.
It is only possible to edit data when in the Stage Environment.
Editing Data in Stage Environment
When working in the web console, all changes made to features, assets, or settings must be made in the Stage environment. These changes can be tested through your game client, explained below.
Testing Data in Stage Environment
To test the data in your Stage environment change the API key in your game to a Stage key. More information about making the authentication request can be found in the API Reference documentation or in the Unity Tutorials or Unreal Tutorials.
Reviewing Changes and Merging Data
When you are ready for changes to be merged into the Live environment, click the Review Changes link in the side bar. After all of the changes made to the Stage environment have been loaded, you will be able to review and select which changes you would like to merge into the Live environment. Select the changes with the tick box and click Push Selected To Live to merge these changes to the Live environment.
Alternatively, you can select Revert Selected to undo the changes you have made to the selected items and restore them back to the values that were last merged into the Live environment.
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