In order to use Leaderboards for Time Based Rankings, we will simply multiply the time by a constant number, such as 1000. Once you get the Leaderboard, you then divide the score by the same constant.
Submit Score
float time =522.31f;float timebasedScore = time *1000f;string leaderboardKey ="timebased_leaderboardKey";LootLockerSDKManager.SubmitScore("", (int)timebasedScore, leaderboardKey, (response) =>{if (!response.success) {Debug.Log("Could not submit score!");Debug.Log(response.errorData.ToString());return; }});
Get Leaderboard List
string leaderboardKey ="timebased_leaderboardKey";LootLockerSDKManager.GetScoreList(leaderboardKey,10, (response) =>{ if(response.success) {Debug.Log("Could not get scores!");Debug.Log(response.errorData.ToString());return; }foreach(var entries inresponse.items) {float timebasedScore =entries.score/1000;Debug.Log($"Player {} had a time of {timebasedScore} ranking them {entries.rank} on the Leaderboard"); }});