Player Samples

Player Names

While it is possible to retrieve Player Names from 1st part platform IDs (when authenticating with Platform Login), you can also optionally let players set their own name or display their public UID. It is also possible to make sure each player's name is unique.

This sample can be found in our SDK under the name 3 - PlayerNames

This sample demonstrates allowing the player to set their own player name.


Enter your name in the field and click Set player name to set your player name.

Web Console

Navigate to Settings -> Game Settings to select if your game should accept unique player names.

Player Storage

With LootLocker you can store key/value pairs in a player's profile. These pairs can be created, updated or deleted directly from your game, or manually through the Web Console.

This sample can be found in our SDK under the name 4 - PlayerStorage

This SDK Sample demonstrates creating, updating and deleting key/value pairs.


To create a new key, enter a value in the lower key and value field and click the Create/Update key/value button. The new key/value should be displayed in the table on the right side.

To update a value, enter the correct key and value in the key and value field and click Create/Update key/value.

To delete a key/value, enter the key in the upper key field and click Delete key/value.

Web Console

Through LootLocker's Web Console it is possible view the key/values that have been stored in the player's profile. You can search for players in the Player Manager and view their key/values under the Storage tab.

Player Files

LootLocker allows you to easily store files of any type in the player's profile. Stored files can be downloaded from a URL. Each file stores up to 5 revisions when updated which can be reverted through the Web Console.

This sample can be found in our SDK under the name 7 - Player Files

In this SDK Sample you can upload a file to the player's profile, update it with a new file, and then download the file from LootLocker's servers.


To upload a new file, click the Upload/Update File button. To update a file, select a file and then use the File ID field to indicate which file this new file will be replacing. To download an uploaded file, enter the file ID from the list on the right side and click Download File.

Web Console

Through LootLocker's Web Console it is possible view files uploaded to a player's profile, download them, revert the file to previous revisions, or manually upload files from your computer. You can search for players in the Player Manager and view their uploaded files under the Files tab.

Last updated