View and Manage Feedback

In this how-to we'll go through how to manage each type of feedback and their reports in the LootLocker web console.

Feedback Overview

The default page for Feedback in the web console is the Overview page. Here you can quickly view the most recent, and most active Feedback reports by type.

Click the View all reports link next to each section to get taken to each Feedback type's summary page. Alternatively, use the sidebar to navigate to these pages directly by clicking on Players, UGC, and Game.

Player Feedback

Player Feedback Overview

The Player Feedback overview page lets you view all Player Feedback, sorted by either the most recent reports, or by players with the most reports against them.

In this view you can filter by categories by selecting the All Categories drop down above the list of reports.

To view an individual report's details, simply click on the report in the list. You can click the Actions button on the right side of a report to resolve the report without having to open the report first. In this menu you can also click View Feedback to view the report's details, or View Player to be taken to the reported player's player management screen.

Player Feedback Report

The following information is available when viewing a Player Feedback report:

  • Unresolved / Resolved: Select either Unresolved or Resolved to switch between viewing the unresolved reports or the previously resolved reports

  • Incident Time: This field displays the time and date when the report was submitted

  • Submitted By: This field displays the player who reported the player in this report. Click on the player's name to be taken to their profile

  • Description: This field displays the text that was provided in the player's report

If multiple reports have been submitted against this player they will be visible in a list below. Use the collapse chevron to expand or collapse individual reports.

You can take the following actions when viewing a Player Feedback report:

  • Resolve: When viewing an unresolved report you can click the Resolve button to set the state of the report as Resolved

  • Resolve All: Use the Resolve All button to set all unresolved reports as Resolved

  • Reopen: When viewing a resolved report, you can click the Reopen button to set the state of the report as Unresolved again

  • View Profile: Click the View Profile button to view the profile of the reported player

To filter the Feedback reports by Category, simply click one of the Cateogry names at the top of the list of reports.

UGC Feedback

UGC Feedback Ovewview

The UGC Feedback overview page lets you view all UGC Feedback, sorted by either the most recent reports, or by content with the most number of reports.

In this view you can filter by categories by selecting the All Categories drop down above the list of reports.

To view an individual report's details, simply click on the report in the list. You can click the Actions button on the right side of a report to resolve the report without having to open the report first. In this menu you can also click View Feedback to view the report's details, or View Asset to be taken to the reported Asset in the content management screen.

UGC Feedback Report

The following information is available when viewing a UGC Feedback report:

  • Unresolved / Resolved: Select either Unresolved or Resolved to switch between viewing the unresolved reports or the previously resolved reports

  • Incident Time: This field displays the time and date when the report was submitted

  • Submitted By: This field displays the player who reported the UGC in this report. Click on the player's name to be taken to their profile

  • Description: This field displays the text that was provided in the player's report

If multiple reports have been submitted against this UGC they will be visible in a list below. Use the collapse chevron to expand or collapse individual reports.

You can take the following actions when viewing a UGC Feedback report:

  • Resolve: When viewing an unresolved report you can click the Resolve button to set the state of the report as Resolved

  • Resolve All: Use the Resolve All button to set all unresolved reports as Resolved

  • Reopen: When viewing a resolved report, you can click the Reopen button to set the state of the report as Unresolved again

  • Visit Asset: Click the Visit Asset button to view the Asset that has been reported

  • Deactivate Asset: Click the Deactivate Asset button to immediately deactivate this Asset remove it from your game (this will not delete the Asset)

To filter the Feedback reports by Category, simply click one of the Cateogry names at the top of the list of reports.

Game Feedback

Game Feedback Overview

The Game Feedback overview page lets you view all Game Feedback, sorted by either unresolved or resolved reports.

In this view you can filter by categories by selecting the All Categories drop down above the list of reports.

Click Resolve All to resolve all reports immediately. To find resolved reports, click on the Resolved button in the top right corner.

To view an individual report's details, simply click on the report in the list. You can click the Actions button on the right side of a report to resolve the report without having to open the report first. In this menu you can also click View Feedback to view the report's details.

Game Feedbak Report

The following information is available when viewing a Game Feedback report:

  • Incident Time: This field displays the time and date when the report was submitted

  • Submitted By: This field displays the player who submitted this report. Click on the player's name to be taken to their profile

  • Description: This field displays the text that was provided in the player's report

If multiple reports have been submitted against this UGC they will be visible in a list below. Use the collapse chevron to expand or collapse individual reports.

You can take the following actions when viewing a UGC Feedback report:

  • Resolve: When viewing an unresolved report you can click the Resolve button to set the state of the report as Resolved

  • Reopen: When viewing a resolved report, you can click the Reopen button to set the state of the report as Unresolved again

  • View Profile: Click the View Profile button to view the profile of the player who submitted the report


You should now have a good understanding of how to manage Feedback reports in the LootLocker web console.

Last updated