When possible, LootLocker will attach a name to the player when starting a session.
This however, is only possible for platforms where the player has a name already, such as Steam or PlayStation Network.
Platforms Supporting Automatic Names
Platforms where the name is automatically retrieved when starting a session:
PlayStation Network
If you're using a platform without automatic player names, or want to update the name LootLocker has stored for the player, it's possible to change the name using the SDK or API.
Player names can also be viewed in the web console:
Unique Player Names
If you want to ensure that no two players in your game has the same name, you can use the Unique Player Names setting in your games settings.
Enabling this toggle, will return an error when updating a players name, if that name is already taken.
Update Player Name in Game
LootLockerSDKManager.SetPlayerName("Some other name", (response) =>
if (response.success)
Debug.Log("Successfully set player name");
} else
Debug.Log("Error setting player name");
var response = await LL_Players.SetPlayerName.new("a-new-name").send()
if(!response.success) :
# Request failed, handle errors
# Request succeeded, use response as applicable in your game logic
LootLockerSDKManager.GetPlayerName((response) =>
if (response.success)
Debug.Log("Successfully retrieved player name: " + response.name);
} else
Debug.Log("Error getting player name");
var response = await LL_Players.GetPlayersActiveName.new().send()
# Request failed, handle errors
# Request succeeded, use response as applicable in your game logic