Player Operations encompasses all LootLocker features related to player management, including identification, authentication, profile data storage, and profile management via the LootLocker Web Console. These features provide you with the tools to create, store, and manage player information seamlessly.
The following Player Operations features are available in LootLocker:
Authentication: Securely authenticate players using multiple methods, enabling access to your game and its backend features.
Files: Store and manage player-specific files, allowing for personalized data storage within each player’s profile.
Inventory: Track and manage the assets a player owns.
Messages: Send tailored messages to all your users directly from the Web Console.
Names: Assign and manage unique display names for players.
Metadata: Customize and store additional player-specific data.
Player Manager: Access and update player data, including profile information, inventory, and progression, through the Web Console.
Unified Player Accounts: Enable a seamless player experience by connecting multiple platform authentication methods, allowing for unified cross-platform functionality.
White Label Login: Authenticate players using a username and password account specifically for your game.
Last updated