GameMaker References
Additional functions for Easy Leaderboard by LootLocker
Leaderboards are the only officially supported LootLocker feature for GameMaker currently, let us know if you need any help implementing other features
Leaderboard data
LLHighscoresTopRankList() - Rank for top highscores in array format
LLHighscoresTopNamesList() - Names for top highscores in array format
LLHighscoresTopMetadataList()- Metadata for top highscores in array format
LLHighscoresTopScoreList() - Score for top highscores in array format
LLHighscoresTopIDList() - Rank for top highscores in array format
LLHighscoresCenteredRankList() - Rank for centered highscores in array format
LLHighscoresCenteredNamesList() - Rank for centered highscores in array format
LLHighscoresCenteredMetadataList() - Rank for centered highscores in array format
LLHighscoresCenteredScoreList() - Rank for centered highscores in array format
LLHighscoresCenteredIDList() - Rank for centered highscores in array format
LLPlayerRank() - Current player rank
LLPlayerName() - Current player name
LLPlayerID() - Current player ID
LLPlayerScore() - Current player score (on server)
LLPlayerMetadata() - Current player metadata Additional functions
Additional functions
LootLockerTurnOffAutoRefresh() - Disables automatically fetching the leaderboard
LootLockerTurnOnAutoRefresh() - Enables automatically fetching the leaderboard
LootLockerGetHighscoresCentered(“leaderboardID”) - Manually get centered highscores
LootLockerGetHighscoresTop(“leaderboardID”) - Manually get top highscores
LootLockerReset() - Ends the current session and starts a new session with a new player
Last updated