Last updated 7 months ago
To learn more about Drop Tables in general, see our page on Creating Drop Tables
int dropTableInstanceID = 87; LootLockerSDKManager.ComputeAndLockDropTable(dropTableInstanceID, (response) => { if (response.success) { Debug.Log("Successfully computed drops: " + response.items.Length); } else { Debug.Log("Error computing drops"); } });
Using the IDs from the compute drops method we can give any of the drops to the player.
int dropTableInstanceID = 87; int[] pickIDs = new int[] { 1 }; LootLockerSDKManager.PickDropsFromDropTable(pickIDs, dropTableInstanceID, (response) => { if (response.success) { Debug.Log("Successfully computed drops: " + response.items.Length); } else { Debug.Log("Error computing drops"); } });