Configure In-App Purchase in Web Console

Configure In-App Purchases in Web Console

You can find the configurations for In-App Purchases on the web console underneath Settings and then retrospectively select the In-App Purchases tab on the left bar. Or coveniently press here

Select the Provider(s) that your game will offer IAP in, fill in the required fields and be sure to press Enabled to true.

Catalog item IAP Configuration

Be sure to have either some purchasable items (like assets, currencies, progressions, etc) made before this!

IAP is made to work with our entire Economy system! Meaning instead of purely using Virtual Currency, you can now add real llife Purchases.

For this demonstration we've made one Currency named Hector. This Currency will be bought through our IAP system.

Head to the Catalog page and create a new Listing (for more information, read our documentation on catalogs). For this we're making a new Listing for Virtual Currencies.

Click on the Actions bar and Configure IAP and once again fill in the fields required for each Platform(s) you're going to have IAP in.

Last updated