Class Progressions

Class progressions are progressions that the Class is currently on, your game may have many progressions but the Class doesn't necessarily progress through all of them at a given time, some may need to be unlocked or may be mutually exclusive.

Starting a Class on a progression is as easy as just starting to add points to it. That progression will then be listed when retrieving progressions for that Class.

Retrieving Class Progressions

Retrieving a single Class Progression using the progression key

int characterId = 1;
string progressionKey = "mage";

LootLockerSDKManager.GetCharacterProgression(characterId, progressionKey, response =>
    if (!response.success) {
        Debug.Log("Failed: " + response.Error);
    // Output the character level and show how much points are needed to progress to the next tier
    Debug.Log($"The character is currently level {response.step}");
    if (response.next_threshold != null)
        Debug.Log($"Points needed to reach next level: {response.next_threshold - response.points}");

Retrieving all Class Progressions

int characterId = 1;

LootLockerSDKManager.GetCharacterProgressions(characterId, response =>
    if (!response.success) {
        Debug.Log("Failed: " + response.Error);

    // Output the character level and show how much points are needed to progress to the next tier for all character progressions
    foreach (var characterProgression in response.items)
        Debug.Log($"Current level in {characterProgression.progression_name} is {characterProgression.step}");
        if (characterProgression.next_threshold != null)
            Debug.Log($"Points needed to reach next level in {characterProgression.progression_name}: {characterProgression.next_threshold - characterProgression.points}");

Retrieving Class Progressions using count

Count can be used to limit the number of entries returned.

int characterId = 1;
int count = 20;

LootLockerSDKManager.GetCharacterProgressions(characterId, count, response =>
    if (!response.success) {
        Debug.Log("Failed: " + response.Error);

    // Output the character level and show how much points are needed to progress to the next tier for all character progressions
    foreach (var characterProgression in response.items)
        Debug.Log($"Current level in {characterProgression.progression_name} is {characterProgression.step}");
        if (characterProgression.next_threshold != null)
            Debug.Log($"Points needed to reach next level in {characterProgression.progression_name}: {characterProgression.next_threshold - characterProgression.points}");

Paginating through Class Progressions

You can use "after" parameter to paginate if the Class is on many progressions.

int characterId = 1;
int numberOfItemsPerPage = 10;
LootLockerPaginatedCharacterProgressionsResponse characterProgressions;

void Start()
    LootLockerSDKManager.StartGuestSession(_ =>
        // Fetch the initial character progressions list
        LootLockerSDKManager.GetCharacterProgressions(characterId, numberOfItemsPerPage, response =>
            if (!response.success)
                Debug.Log("Failed: " + response.Error);

            if ( == 0)
                Debug.Log("You character does not have any progressions, start them by giving some exp to the character");

            characterProgressions = response;

void Update()
    if (characterProgressions == null) return;

    // Fetch the next page if more character progressions exist
    if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.RightArrow) && characterProgressions.pagination.next_cursor != null)
        LootLockerSDKManager.GetCharacterProgressions(characterId, numberOfItemsPerPage, characterProgressions.pagination.next_cursor, response =>
            if (!response.success)
                Debug.Log("Failed: " + response.Error);
            characterProgressions = response;
            Debug.Log($"Paginating right, got {characterProgressions.items.Count} character progressions");
    // Fetch the previous page if we are not on the first page
    if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.LeftArrow) && characterProgressions.pagination.previous_cursor != null)
        LootLockerSDKManager.GetCharacterProgressions(characterId, numberOfItemsPerPage, characterProgressions.pagination.previous_cursor, response =>
            if (!response.success)
                Debug.Log("Failed: " + response.Error);

            characterProgressions = response;
            Debug.Log($"Paginating left, got {characterProgressions.items.Count} character progressions");

Interacting with Class Progressions

Adding points to a Class Progression

int characterId = 1;
string progressionKey = "mage";
ulong amountOfPoints = 100;

LootLockerSDKManager.AddPointsToCharacterProgression(characterId, progressionKey, amountOfPoints, response =>
    if (!response.success) {
        Debug.Log("Failed: " + response.Error);

    // If the awarded_tiers array contains any items that means the character leveled up
    // There can also be multiple level-ups at once
    if (response.awarded_tiers.Any())
        foreach (var awardedTier in response.awarded_tiers)
            Debug.Log($"Reached level {awardedTier.step}!");

            foreach (var assetReward in awardedTier.rewards.asset_rewards)
                Debug.Log($"Rewarded with an asset, id: {assetReward.asset_id}!");
            foreach (var progressionPointsReward in awardedTier.rewards.progression_points_rewards)
                Debug.Log($"Rewarded with {progressionPointsReward.amount} bonus points in {progressionPointsReward.progression_name} progression!");
            foreach (var progressionResetReward in awardedTier.rewards.progression_reset_rewards)
                Debug.Log($"Progression {progressionResetReward.progression_name} has been reset as a reward!");

Subtracting points from a Class Progression

int characterId = 1;
string progressionKey = "mage";
ulong amountOfPoints = 10;

LootLockerSDKManager.SubtractPointsFromCharacterProgression(characterId, progressionKey, amountOfPoints, response =>
    if (!response.success) {
        Debug.Log("Failed: " + response.Error);
    // Output the amount of points the character has after subtracting points
    Debug.Log($"Character now has {response.points} points in {response.progression_name} progression");

Resetting a Class Progression

Resets the Class Progression points to 0, effectively returning the Class to level 1, if you want to remove the progression from a Class see below.

int characterId = 1;
string progressionKey = "mage";

LootLockerSDKManager.ResetCharacterProgression(characterId, progressionKey, response =>
    if (!response.success) {
        Debug.Log("Failed: " + response.Error);
    // Character level is now 1 
    Debug.Log($"Character is level {response.step} since the {response.progression_name} was reset");

Deleting a Class Progression

Completely removes a Class Progression, it will no longer be listed when retrieving Class Progressions.

int characterId = 1;
string progressionKey = "mage";

LootLockerSDKManager.DeleteCharacterProgression(characterId, progressionKey, response =>
    if (!response.success) {
        Debug.Log("Failed: " + response.Error);
    // Trying to fetch the deleted character progression will result in a "Not Found" error
    LootLockerSDKManager.GetCharacterProgression(progressionKey, response =>
        if (!response.success) {
            Debug.Log("Failed: " + response.Error);

Last updated