
Send content to specific segments of your players, based around whatever criteria you like.

The Segments feature is deprecated and will be removed on April 11th, 2026. We recommend not using this feature for new projects.

Player Segments are used to create groups of players based on certain criteria. These groups can be gifted assets or used by other LootLocker features.

The following information can be used when creating a Player Segment:

  • Name: The name of this Player Segment.

  • Player Count: The number of players within this Segment, based on the criteria you have selected. This value will update when the Segment is saved.

  • Hard Purchase: Only include players in this Segment who have made Hard Currency purchases.

  • Soft Purchase: Only include players in this Segment who have made Soft Currency purchases.

  • Owns DLC: Only include players in this Segment who own a specific DLC.

  • Purchased Specific Asset Type: Only include players in this Segment who have purchased a specific Asset Type.

  • Platform: Only include players from a specific Platform.

  • Join Date: Only include players who began playing your game before or after a specific date.

  • Last Active Date: Only include players who have been active before or after a specific date.

Last updated