Managing Players

The LootLocker Player Manager allows you to easily find and manage players in your game.

Search for Players

To search for a player, simply enter their Platform ID into the search bar and press Enter. If the player, or multiple players are found, LootLocker will display their profiles below the search bar. Click View to load the player's profile.

Retrieving player information

From the web console you can use the view button on players to view a specific player.

From here it's possible to give players assets and change player storage items.

Retrieve Player Information in Game

Retrieving player info from your game returns information about level and account balance. See our progression how-to for how to use this in the SDK

Public/Private Profile

This is currently used to disable any inventory integration with Steam.

Setting a players profile to private also hides their Steam items attached to your game from their Steam profile.

Change Public/Private Profile in Game

See the following examples for how to change from/to public and profile for a player.

// Set to private
LootLockerSDKManager.SetProfilePrivate((response) =>
    if (response.success)
        Debug.Log("profile successfully to private");
        Debug.Log("failed setting profile to private");

// Set to public
LootLockerSDKManager.SetProfilePublic((response) =>
    if (response.success)
        Debug.Log("profile successfully to public");
        Debug.Log("failed setting profile to public");

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